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Runner's Fuel: Peanut Butter Protein Bites, for the win!

For people like me who love to run, it's sometimes hard to know whether to eat before running and, if so, what kind of snack packs a healthy punch without being too bulky. Though I personally prefer to run on a mostly empty stomach first

thing in the morning, if I do feel like grabbing a snack, I go for these delicious peanut butter protein bites that take only a few minutes to make and are super delicious. They are even no-bake, so if you are a little culinary-impaired, you've come to the right place. I not only reach for these before and after running, but I truly eat them pretty much anytime I need a quick energy boost, but don't want to reach for the ten boxes of Girl Scout Cookies my daughter bribed us into buying. I've been known to pack these in a container and even snack on them before Phish shows. My kids even love them, probably owing to the chocolate chips I sneak in.

So, here's what you will need:

  • 1 1/2 cups of rolled oats

  • 1/2 cup vanilla whey protein powder (about 2 scoops)

  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon

  • 1 T Chia Seeds

  • 1/2 cup smooth natural peanut butter (or any nut butter- I dig almond too.)

  • 3 T Natural Raw Honey (You can use regular honey also, but I aim to make them as healthy as possible.)

  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract

  • 1/3 Cup Chocolate Chips, Raisins, Craisins, Peanut Butter Chips, Reese's Pieces or any add-in that sounds good to you!

  • 2-4 T Liquid (Water, Milk, Almond Milk will all work)



  1. Add oats, protein powder, cinnamon, and chia seeds to a large bowl and stir.

  2. Add in peanut butter, honey, and vanilla extract. Stir to combine all ingredients.

  3. Add in chocolate chips or other preferred add-in. The mixture will be a bit sticky but still crumbly.

  4. Slowly add in one tablespoon of liquid at a time. Add up to four tablespoons, as much as the mixture needs to begin to form into balls when rolled. Aim for sticky, not drippy.

  5. Now it's time to get peanut butter under your fingernails and roll the mixture into balls. The size is up to you, but roll into balls and place into a container. (I do not stack them, as they are very sticky at this point. It's better to add in layers of parchment paper to your container so you can have several layers of protein bites.)

  6. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes and enjoy!

Total Yield: 20-25 protein bites

Prep Time: 10-15 minutes plus 30 minutes refrigeration

That's all! Now you are ready to snack! These are protein-packed due to the peanut butter, protein powder and chia seeds and taste delicious as well. My kids sneak them when I'm not looking and I only pretend to be mad because these are a healthy homemade snack.

Now enjoy your run, dance until you collapse at a concert, or just sneak them as a midnight snack. I won't tell.

(Thanks to The Healthy Maven for the protein ball inspo!)

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